import path, { join } from 'node:path' import dotenv from 'dotenv' import { readFile } from 'fs-extra' export function isDevFn(mode: string): boolean { return mode === 'development' } export function isProdFn(mode: string): boolean { return mode === 'production' } /** * Whether to generate package preview */ export function isReportMode(): boolean { return process.env.REPORT === 'true' } // Read all environment variable configuration files to process.env export function wrapperEnv(envConf: Recordable): ViteEnv { const ret: any = {} for (const envName of Object.keys(envConf)) { let realName = envConf[envName].replace(/\\n/g, '\n') realName = realName === 'true' ? true : realName === 'false' ? false : realName if (envName === 'VITE_PORT') realName = Number(realName) if (envName === 'VITE_PROXY' && realName) { try { realName = JSON.parse(realName.replace(/'/g, '"')) } catch (error) { realName = '' } } ret[envName] = realName // if (typeof realName === 'string') { // process.env[envName] = realName; // } else if (typeof realName === 'object') { // process.env[envName] = JSON.stringify(realName); // } } return ret } /** * 获取当前环境下生效的配置文件名 */ function getConfFiles() { const script = process.env.npm_lifecycle_script as string const reg = /--mode ([a-z_\d]+)/ const result = reg.exec(script) if (result) { const mode = result[1] return ['.env', `.env.${mode}`] } return ['.env', '.env.production'] } /** * Get the environment variables starting with the specified prefix * @param match prefix * @param confFiles ext */ export async function getEnvConfig( match = 'VITE_GLOB_', confFiles = getConfFiles(), ): Promise<{ [key: string]: string }> { let envConfig = {} for (const confFile of confFiles) { try { const envPath = await readFile(join(process.cwd(), confFile), { encoding: 'utf8' }) const env = dotenv.parse(envPath) envConfig = { ...envConfig, ...env } } catch (e) { console.error(`Error in parsing ${confFile}`, e) } } const reg = new RegExp(`^(${match})`) Object.keys(envConfig).forEach((key) => { if (!reg.test(key)) Reflect.deleteProperty(envConfig, key) }) return envConfig } /** * Get user root directory * @param dir file path */ export function getRootPath(...dir: string[]) { return path.resolve(process.cwd(), ...dir) }