import type { RouteLocationNormalized, RouteRecordNormalized } from 'vue-router' import type { App, Component } from 'vue' import { intersectionWith, isEqual, mergeWith, unionWith } from 'lodash-es' import { unref } from 'vue' import { isArray, isObject } from '@/utils/is' export function noop() {} /** * @description: Set ui mount node */ export function getPopupContainer(node?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement { return (node?.parentNode as HTMLElement) ?? document.body } /** * Add the object as a parameter to the URL * @param baseUrl url * @param obj * @returns {string} * eg: * let obj = {a: '3', b: '4'} * setObjToUrlParams('', obj) * ==> */ export function setObjToUrlParams(baseUrl: string, obj: any): string { let parameters = '' for (const key in obj) parameters += `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[key])}&` parameters = parameters.replace(/&$/, '') return /\?$/.test(baseUrl) ? baseUrl + parameters : baseUrl.replace(/\/?$/, '?') + parameters } /** * Recursively merge two objects. * 递归合并两个对象。 * * @param source The source object to merge from. 要合并的源对象。 * @param target The target object to merge into. 目标对象,合并后结果存放于此。 * @param mergeArrays How to merge arrays. Default is "replace". * 如何合并数组。默认为replace。 * - "union": Union the arrays. 对数组执行并集操作。 * - "intersection": Intersect the arrays. 对数组执行交集操作。 * - "concat": Concatenate the arrays. 连接数组。 * - "replace": Replace the source array with the target array. 用目标数组替换源数组。 * @returns The merged object. 合并后的对象。 */ export function deepMerge( source: T, target: U, mergeArrays: 'union' | 'intersection' | 'concat' | 'replace' = 'replace', ): T & U { if (!target) return source as T & U if (!source) return target as T & U return mergeWith({}, source, target, (sourceValue, targetValue) => { if (isArray(targetValue) && isArray(sourceValue)) { switch (mergeArrays) { case 'union': return unionWith(sourceValue, targetValue, isEqual) case 'intersection': return intersectionWith(sourceValue, targetValue, isEqual) case 'concat': return sourceValue.concat(targetValue) case 'replace': return targetValue default: throw new Error(`Unknown merge array strategy: ${mergeArrays as string}`) } } if (isObject(targetValue) && isObject(sourceValue)) return deepMerge(sourceValue, targetValue, mergeArrays) return undefined }) } export function openWindow( url: string, opt?: { target?: TargetContext | string; noopener?: boolean; noreferrer?: boolean }, ) { const { target = '__blank', noopener = true, noreferrer = true } = opt || {} const feature: string[] = [] noopener && feature.push('noopener=yes') noreferrer && feature.push('noreferrer=yes'), target, feature.join(',')) } // dynamic use hook props export function getDynamicProps, U>(props: T): Partial { const ret: Recordable = {} // eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return Object.keys(props).map((key) => { ret[key] = unref((props as Recordable)[key]) }) return ret as Partial } export function getRawRoute(route: RouteLocationNormalized): RouteLocationNormalized { if (!route) return route const { matched, ...opt } = route return { ...opt, matched: (matched ? => ({ meta: item.meta, name:, path: item.path, })) : undefined) as RouteRecordNormalized[], } } // interface EventShim { new (...args: any[]): { $props: { onClick?: (...args: any[]) => void } } } export type WithInstall = T & { install(app: App): void } & EventShim export type CustomComponent = Component & { displayName?: string } export function withInstall(component: T, alias?: string) { (component as Record).install = (app: App) => { const compName = || component.displayName if (!compName) return app.component(compName, component) if (alias) app.config.globalProperties[alias] = component } return component as WithInstall } /** * 简单实现防抖方法 * * 防抖(debounce)函数在第一次触发给定的函数时,不立即执行函数,而是给出一个期限值(delay),比如100ms。 * 如果100ms内再次执行函数,就重新开始计时,直到计时结束后再真正执行函数。 * 这样做的好处是如果短时间内大量触发同一事件,只会执行一次函数。 * * @param fn 要防抖的函数 * @param delay 防抖的毫秒数 * @returns {Function} simpleDebounce */ export function simpleDebounce(fn, delay = 100) { let timer: any | null = null return () => { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params const args = arguments if (timer) clearTimeout(timer) timer = setTimeout(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line ts/no-invalid-this fn.apply(this, args) }, delay) } }