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- /**
- * Used to parse the .env.development proxy configuration
- */
- import type { ProxyOptions } from 'vite'
- type ProxyItem = [string, string]
- type ProxyList = ProxyItem[]
- type ProxyTargetList = Record<string, ProxyOptions>
- const httpsRE = /^https:\/\//
- /**
- * Generate proxy
- * @param list
- */
- export function createProxy(list: ProxyList = []) {
- const ret: ProxyTargetList = {}
- for (const [prefix, target] of list) {
- const isHttps = httpsRE.test(target)
- // https://github.com/http-party/node-http-proxy#options
- ret[prefix] = {
- target,
- changeOrigin: true,
- ws: true,
- rewrite: path => path.replace(new RegExp(`^${prefix}`), ''),
- // https is require secure=false
- ...(isHttps ? { secure: false } : {}),
- }
- }
- return ret
- }