CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_main() -- 初始化 数据全部插入 IS DECLARE individual_count int strsql string BEGIN shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp(); DELETE FROM shanglifeecif.individual; --初始化客户信息 shanglifeecif.init_all_individual(); --更新用户等级信息 shanglifeecif.up_t_customers_class_1(); --更新其它信息 shanglifeecif.up_other_customerinfo() END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp() IS DECLARE BEGIN DELETE FROM shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp; insert into shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp( scustid, name, gender, birthday, idcard, idtype ) SELECT scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , to_char(max(birthday),"yyyy-MM-dd") birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, max(idtype) AS idtype FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid; UPDATE shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp sct SET = (SELECT trim(t.MOBILE) FROM t_customer_class t WHERE sct.scustid=t.customer_id); EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END ; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_all_individual() -- 初始化所有客户信息 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual ( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, idcard, Passport, Dlicense, OtherIdNumber, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()OVER(ORDER BY sc.scustid), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(ORDER BY sc.scustid),10,'0'), sc.scustid,, sc.gender, sc.birthday, CASE sc.idtype WHEN '0' THEN sc.idcard END AS idcard, CASE sc.idtype WHEN '1' THEN sc.idcard END AS passport, CASE sc.idtype WHEN '3' THEN sc.idcard END AS dlicense, CASE WHEN sc.idtype <> '0' AND sc.idtype <> '1' AND sc.idtype <> '3' THEN sc.idcard END AS otherIdnumber, sysdate, 'admin' FROM shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp sc ORDER BY sc.scustid; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; /* CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_0( individual_count OUT int) -- 初始化 身份证 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual ( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, idcard, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()over(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, sysdate, 'admin' FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL AND idtype=0 UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL AND insuredidtype=0 ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid --已经存在的数据行数 select count(0) into individual_count from shanglifeecif.individual; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_1(individual_count INOUT int) -- 初始化 护照 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual ( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, passport, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()over(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, sysdate, 'admin' FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL AND idtype=1 UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL AND insuredidtype=1 ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid --已经存在的数据行数 select count(0) into individual_count from shanglifeecif.individual; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_3(individual_count INOUT int) -- 初始化 驾照 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, dlicense, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()over(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, sysdate, 'admin' FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL AND idtype=3 UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL AND insuredidtype=3 ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid --已经存在的数据行数 select count(0) into individual_count from shanglifeecif.individual; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_other(individual_count INOUT int) -- 初始化除了以上三种证件信息 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, otheridnumber, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()over(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, sysdate, 'admin' FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL AND idtype not in (0,1,3) UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL AND insuredidtype not in (0,1,3) ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid --已经存在的数据行数 select count(0) into individual_count from shanglifeecif.individual; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; */ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.up_t_customers_class_1() -- 创建存储过程 IS BEGIN UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual a SET ( CustClass ,-- 客户等级 ConValue ,-- 贡献度分 Awarded3 ,-- 家庭加分2 Awarded2 ,-- 续期加分 Awarded1 ,-- 保单加分 SOValue ,-- 总分值 EndDate, -- 客户等级失效日期 Height, --身高 Weight, --体重 BMI, PIncome, --个人年收入 FIncome, --家庭年收入 IncomeSource, --收入来源 SIStatus, --社保情况 --Ethnic, --民族情况 Nation, --国籍 MaritalStat, --婚姻 Employer,--工作单位 Education,--学历 Dday, --死亡日期 regtype, --户籍类型 ZIPCODE,--邮编 HPhone,--电话 PMPhone,--手机 email, -- 邮箱 RAL, --联系地址 sobirth --省份 ) = ( select b.CLASS_VALUE,--客户等级 b.CONTRIBUTION_VALUE,--贡献度分 b.AWARDED3, --家庭加分 b.AWARDED2, --续期加分 b.AWARDED1, --保单加分 b.TOTAL_VALUE, --总分值 trim(b.END_DATE) as END_DATE, --失效日期 b.STATURE, --身高 b.AVOIRDUPOIS,--体重 b.BMI, --根据身高体重计算 b.YEARINCOME, --个人年收入 b.FAMILYYEARSALARY, --家庭年收入 trim(b.INCOMESOURCE) as INCOMESOURCE, --收入来源 trim(b.SOCIALINSUFLAG) as SOCIALINSUFLAG, --社保情况 --trim(b.NATIONALITY) as NATIONALITY, --民族情况 trim(b.NATIVEPLACE) as NATIVEPLACE, --国籍 trim(b.MARRIAGE) as MARRIAGE,--婚姻 trim(b.GRPNAME) as GRPNAME,--工作单位名称 trim(b.DEGREE) as DEGREE,--学历 trim(b.DEATHDATE) as DEATHDATE,--死亡日期 trim(b.DENTYPE) as DENTYPE,--户籍类型 trim(b.ZIPCODE) as ZIPCODE,--邮编 trim(b.PHONE) as PHONE,--电话 trim(b.MOBILE) as MOBILE,--手机 trim(b.EMAIL) as EMAIL,--邮箱 regexp_replace(trim(b.POSTALADDRESS),'[0-9]','*') as POSTALADDRESS, --联系地址 regexp_extract(b.POSTALADDRESS,'(.*?)省|(.*?)市',0) -- 省份 from t_customer_class b where b.CUSTOMER_ID = a.scustid ) WHERE 1=1 ; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.up_other_customerinfo() -- 创建存储过程 IS BEGIN --更新客户类型投保人 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual i SET i.custtype = '投保人' WHERE i.scustid IN (SELECT p.customerno FROM policy_information p); --更新客户类型投保人、被保人 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual i SET i.custtype = '被保人' WHERE i.scustid IN (SELECT pi.insuredno FROM policy_information pi); --更新客户类型投保人、被保人 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual i SET i.custtype = '投保人、被保人' WHERE i.scustid IN (SELECT p.customerno FROM policy_information p) AND i.scustid IN (SELECT pi.insuredno FROM policy_information pi); --更新业绩归属 UPDATE shanglifeecif.Individual si1 SET si1.policybelong = ( SELECT trim(t.SALECOM) FROM ( SELECT row_number()OVER(PARTITION BY p.customerno ORDER BY p.polapplydate asc) rd,p.customerno,p.SALECOM FROM policy_information p ) t WHERE t.rd = 1 AND si1.scustid = t.customerno ); UPDATE shanglifeecif.Individual si1 SET si1.policybelong = ( SELECT trim(t.SALECOM) FROM ( SELECT row_number()OVER(PARTITION BY p.insuredno ORDER BY p.polapplydate asc) rd,p.insuredno,p.SALECOM FROM policy_information p ) t WHERE t.rd = 1 AND si1.scustid = t.insuredno ); --更新职业,民族等信息 UPDATE shanglifeecif.Individual si1 SET (si1.Occupation,si1.Ethnic) = ( SELECT trim(t.occupationname),trim(t.NATIONALITYNAME) FROM ( SELECT row_number()OVER(PARTITION BY p.customerno ORDER BY p.polapplydate desc) rd,p.customerno,p.occupationname,p.NATIONALITYNAME FROM policy_information p ) t WHERE t.rd = 1 AND si1.scustid = t.customerno ); --更新官微积分 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual si SET si.officialCalculus = ( SELECT temp.available_points FROM (SELECT t.available_points,t.certificate_no,row_number()OVER(PARTITION BY t.certificate_no ORDER BY t.gmt_created DESC) rd FROM t_account t) temp WHERE temp.rd = 1 AND temp.certificate_no = si.idcard ); EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / /* CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.up_health_insurance_listing_1() -- 创建存储过程 IS BEGIN --更新个人信息表 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual a SET ( OccupationId ,-- 职业代码 Occupation, -- 职业名称 HomeAdress ) = ( SELECT t.appntoccupationcode, t.appntoccupationname, t.APPNTHOMEADDRESS FROM ( select appntno, max(appntoccupationcode) appntoccupationcode,--职业代码 max(appntoccupationname) appntoccupationname,--职业名称 max(APPNTHOMEADDRESS) APPNTHOMEADDRESS --住址 from HEALTH_INSURANCE_LISTING WHERE appntoccupationcode is not null and appntoccupationname is not NULL group by appntno ) t WHERE t.appntno = a.scustid ); END; */ BEGIN shanglifeecif.init_individual_main(); end ;