CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_main() -- 初始化 数据全部插入 IS DECLARE individual_count int strsql string BEGIN shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp(); DELETE FROM shanglifeecif.individual; --初始化客户信息 shanglifeecif.init_all_individual(); --更新用户等级信息 shanglifeecif.up_t_customers_class_1(); --更新其它信息 shanglifeecif.up_other_customerinfo() END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp() IS DECLARE BEGIN DELETE FROM shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp; insert into shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp( scustid, name, gender, birthday, idcard, idtype ) SELECT scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, max(idtype) AS idtype FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid; UPDATE shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp sct SET = (SELECT trim(t.MOBILE) FROM t_customer_class t WHERE sct.scustid=t.customer_id); EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END ; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_all_individual() -- 初始化所有客户信息 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual ( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, idcard, Passport, Dlicense, OtherIdNumber, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()OVER(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), sc.scustid,, sc.gender, sc.birthday, CASE sc.idtype WHEN '0' THEN sc.idcard END AS idcard, CASE sc.idtype WHEN '1' THEN sc.idcard END AS passport, CASE sc.idtype WHEN '3' THEN sc.idcard END AS dlicense, CASE WHEN sc.idtype <> '0' AND sc.idtype <> '1' AND sc1.idtype <> '3' THEN sc.idcard END AS otherIdnumber, sysdate, 'admin' FROM shanglifeecif.customertotaltemp sc ORDER BY sc.scustid; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_0( individual_count OUT int) -- 初始化 身份证 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual ( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, idcard, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()over(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, sysdate, 'admin' FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL AND idtype=0 UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL AND insuredidtype=0 ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid --已经存在的数据行数 select count(0) into individual_count from shanglifeecif.individual; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_1(individual_count INOUT int) -- 初始化 护照 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual ( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, passport, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()over(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, sysdate, 'admin' FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL AND idtype=1 UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL AND insuredidtype=1 ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid --已经存在的数据行数 select count(0) into individual_count from shanglifeecif.individual; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_3(individual_count INOUT int) -- 初始化 驾照 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, dlicense, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()over(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, sysdate, 'admin' FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL AND idtype=3 UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL AND insuredidtype=3 ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid --已经存在的数据行数 select count(0) into individual_count from shanglifeecif.individual; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.init_individual_other(individual_count INOUT int) -- 初始化除了以上三种证件信息 IS BEGIN --查询出此次处理的数据并出表中 insert into shanglifeecif.individual( indid, custid, scustid, name, gender, birthday, otheridnumber, created_time, created_by ) SELECT row_number()over(), 'CP'||lpad(row_number()over(),10,'0'), scustid , max(name) as name, max(gender) as gender , max(birthday) as birthday, max(idcard) as idcard, sysdate, 'admin' FROM ( SELECT trim(customerno) AS scustid,--投保人 trim(name) AS name, trim(sex) AS gender, trim(birthday) AS birthday, trim(idtype) AS idtype , trim(idno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE customerno IS NOT NULL AND idtype not in (0,1,3) UNION SELECT trim(insuredno) AS scustid,--被保人 trim(insuredname) AS name, trim(insuredsex) AS gender, trim(insuredbirthday) AS birthday, trim(insuredidtype) AS idtype , trim(insuredidno) AS idcard FROM policy_information WHERE insuredno IS NOT NULL AND insuredidtype not in (0,1,3) ) tmpTable GROUP BY scustid --已经存在的数据行数 select count(0) into individual_count from shanglifeecif.individual; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.up_t_customers_class_1() -- 创建存储过程 IS BEGIN UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual a SET ( CustClass ,-- 客户等级 ConValue ,-- 贡献度分 Awarded3 ,-- 家庭加分2 Awarded2 ,-- 续期加分 Awarded1 ,-- 保单加分 SOValue ,-- 总分值 EndDate, -- 客户等级失效日期 Height, --身高 Weight, --体重 BMI, PIncome, --个人年收入 FIncome, --家庭年收入 IncomeSource, --收入来源 SIStatus, --社保情况 --Ethnic, --民族情况 Nation, --国籍 MaritalStat, --婚姻 Employer,--工作单位 Education,--学历 Dday, --死亡日期 regtype, --户籍类型 ZIPCODE,--邮编 HPhone,--电话 PMPhone,--手机 email, -- 邮箱 RAL, --联系地址 sobirth --省份 ) = ( select b.CLASS_VALUE,--客户等级 b.CONTRIBUTION_VALUE,--贡献度分 b.AWARDED3, --家庭加分 b.AWARDED2, --续期加分 b.AWARDED1, --保单加分 b.TOTAL_VALUE, --总分值 trim(b.END_DATE) as END_DATE, --失效日期 b.STATURE, --身高 b.AVOIRDUPOIS,--体重 b.BMI, --根据身高体重计算 b.YEARINCOME, --个人年收入 b.FAMILYYEARSALARY, --家庭年收入 trim(b.INCOMESOURCE) as INCOMESOURCE, --收入来源 trim(b.SOCIALINSUFLAG) as SOCIALINSUFLAG, --社保情况 --trim(b.NATIONALITY) as NATIONALITY, --民族情况 trim(b.NATIVEPLACE) as NATIVEPLACE, --国籍 trim(b.MARRIAGE) as MARRIAGE,--婚姻 trim(b.GRPNAME) as GRPNAME,--工作单位名称 trim(b.DEGREE) as DEGREE,--学历 trim(b.DEATHDATE) as DEATHDATE,--死亡日期 trim(b.DENTYPE) as DENTYPE,--户籍类型 trim(b.ZIPCODE) as ZIPCODE,--邮编 trim(b.PHONE) as PHONE,--电话 trim(b.MOBILE) as MOBILE,--手机 trim(b.EMAIL) as EMAIL,--邮箱 regexp_replace(trim(b.POSTALADDRESS),'[0-9]','*') as POSTALADDRESS, --联系地址 regexp_extract(b.POSTALADDRESS,'(.*?)省|(.*?)市',0) -- 省份 from t_customer_class b where b.CUSTOMER_ID = a.scustid ) WHERE 1=1 ; EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.up_other_customerinfo() -- 创建存储过程 IS BEGIN --更新客户类型投保人 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual i SET i.custtype = '投保人' WHERE i.scustid IN (SELECT p.customerno FROM policy_information p); --更新客户类型投保人、被保人 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual i SET i.custtype = '被保人' WHERE i.scustid IN (SELECT pi.insuredno FROM policy_information pi); --更新客户类型投保人、被保人 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual i SET i.custtype = '投保人、被保人' WHERE i.scustid IN (SELECT p.customerno FROM policy_information p) AND i.scustid IN (SELECT pi.insuredno FROM policy_information pi); --更新业绩归属 UPDATE shanglifeecif.Individual si1 SET si1.policybelong = ( SELECT trim(t.SALECOM) FROM ( SELECT row_number()OVER(PARTITION BY p.customerno ORDER BY p.polapplydate asc) rd,p.customerno,p.SALECOM FROM policy_information p ) t WHERE t.rd = 1 AND si1.scustid = t.customerno ); UPDATE shanglifeecif.Individual si1 SET si1.policybelong = ( SELECT trim(t.SALECOM) FROM ( SELECT row_number()OVER(PARTITION BY p.insuredno ORDER BY p.polapplydate asc) rd,p.insuredno,p.SALECOM FROM policy_information p ) t WHERE t.rd = 1 AND si1.scustid = t.insuredno ); --更新职业,民族等信息 UPDATE shanglifeecif.Individual si1 SET (si1.Occupation,si1.Ethnic) = ( SELECT trim(t.occupationname),trim(t.NATIONALITYNAME) FROM ( SELECT row_number()OVER(PARTITION BY p.customerno ORDER BY p.polapplydate desc) rd,p.customerno,p.occupationname,p.NATIONALITYNAME FROM policy_information p ) t WHERE t.rd = 1 AND si1.scustid = t.customerno ); --更新官微积分 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual si SET si.officialCalculus = ( SELECT temp.available_points FROM (SELECT t.available_points,t.certificate_no,row_number()OVER(PARTITION BY t.certificate_no ORDER BY t.gmt_created DESC) rd FROM t_account t) temp WHERE temp.rd = 1 AND temp.certificate_no = si.idcard ); EXCEPTION WHEN HIVE_EXCEPTION THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); WHEN Others THEN INSERT INTO shanglifeecif.exception_log(log_code,log_msg,log_time) VALUES (sqlcode(),sqlerrm(),sysdate()); END; / /* CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE shanglifeecif.up_health_insurance_listing_1() -- 创建存储过程 IS BEGIN --更新个人信息表 UPDATE shanglifeecif.individual a SET ( OccupationId ,-- 职业代码 Occupation, -- 职业名称 HomeAdress ) = ( SELECT t.appntoccupationcode, t.appntoccupationname, t.APPNTHOMEADDRESS FROM ( select appntno, max(appntoccupationcode) appntoccupationcode,--职业代码 max(appntoccupationname) appntoccupationname,--职业名称 max(APPNTHOMEADDRESS) APPNTHOMEADDRESS --住址 from HEALTH_INSURANCE_LISTING WHERE appntoccupationcode is not null and appntoccupationname is not NULL group by appntno ) t WHERE t.appntno = a.scustid ); END; */ BEGIN shanglifeecif.init_individual_main(); end ;