@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<sql id="selectNoticeSupplyVo">
- type_id,
- t.`name`,
- merchant_id,
- supply_title,
- supply_details,
- manufacturer,
- contacts,
- telephone,
- release_time,
- picture,
- `status`,
+ n.type_id,
+ t.name,
+ n.merchant_id,
+ n.supply_title,
+ n.supply_details,
+ n.manufacturer,
+ n.contacts,
+ n.telephone,
+ n.release_time,
+ n.picture,
+ n.status,
@@ -50,22 +50,23 @@ SELECT
notice_supply AS n
LEFT JOIN goods_type AS t ON n.`type_id` = t.`id`
+ left join sys_user u on n.create_by = u.login_name
+ left join sys_dept d on d.dept_id = u.dept_id
<select id="selectNoticeSupplyList" parameterType="NoticeSupply" resultMap="NoticeSupplyResult">
<include refid="selectNoticeSupplyVo"/>
- <if test="typeId != null "> and type_id = #{typeId}</if>
- <if test="merchantId != null "> and merchant_id = #{merchantId}</if>
- <if test="supplyTitle != null and supplyTitle != ''"> and supply_title = #{supplyTitle}</if>
- <if test="supplyDetails != null and supplyDetails != ''"> and supply_details = #{supplyDetails}</if>
- <if test="manufacturer != null and manufacturer != ''"> and manufacturer = #{manufacturer}</if>
- <if test="contacts != null and contacts != ''"> and contacts = #{contacts}</if>
- <if test="telephone != null and telephone != ''"> and telephone = #{telephone}</if>
- <if test="releaseTime != null "> and release_time = #{releaseTime}</if>
- <if test="picture != null and picture != ''"> and picture = #{picture}</if>
+ <if test="typeId != null "> and n.type_id = #{typeId}</if>
+ <if test="merchantId != null "> and n.merchant_id = #{merchantId}</if>
+ <if test="supplyTitle != null and supplyTitle != ''"> and n.supply_title = #{supplyTitle}</if>
+ <if test="manufacturer != null and manufacturer != ''"> and n.manufacturer = #{manufacturer}</if>
+ <if test="contacts != null and contacts != ''"> and n.contacts = #{contacts}</if>
+ <if test="telephone != null and telephone != ''"> and n.telephone = #{telephone}</if>
<if test="status != null and status != ''"> and n.status = #{status}</if>
+ ${params.dataScope}
<select id="selectNoticeSupplyById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="NoticeSupplyResult">