@@ -1,29 +1,342 @@
export default {
export default {
- title: "Title",
+ title: "China steel furniture industry gathering network",
SLS: "Switch Language Success",
SLS: "Switch Language Success",
+ inputPlaceholder: "Please input",
+ pleaseChoose: "Please choose",
+ pleaseUpload: "Please upload",
+ loading: "Data loading...",
+ nodata: "No data",
+ loadMore: "Click to load more",
+ form: {
+ submit: "Submission",
+ RegAccount: "Password must be 9 to 16 alphanumeric",
+ loginAccount: "Account number (mobile number)",
+ loginPassword: "Password",
+ phone: "Phone number",
+ validatePhone: "Please input the correct mobile number",
+ validateCode: "Verification Code",
+ getValidateCode: "Get verification code",
+ autoLogin: "Autologon",
+ login: "login",
+ register: "register"
+ },
+ message: {
+ success: {
+ editPassword: "Password modification succeeded, please login again",
+ cancelGz: "Cancellation of success",
+ revocation: "Unsuccessful",
+ findPassword: "Reset succeeded, please log in",
+ login: "Landing successfully",
+ register: "Successfully registered, please log in",
+ infoAdd: "Requirements published successfully!"
+ },
+ confirm: {
+ cancelGz: "Cancel attention?",
+ revocation: "Do you want to cancel the requirement?",
+ logout: "Log out?"
+ }
+ },
route: {
route: {
- home: "home",
- mall: "mall",
- shops: "shops",
- info: "info",
+ home: "Home Page",
+ mall: "Online Shop",
+ shops: "Manufacturer",
+ info: "Demand supply",
login: "login",
login: "login",
register: "register",
register: "register",
- findPassword: "findPassword",
- collect: "collect",
- issue: "issue",
- shopDetails: "shopDetails",
- shopHonor: "shopHonor",
- shopProfile: "shopProfile",
- productDetails: "productDetails",
- shopEnter: "shopEnter",
- shopEnterAdd: "shopEnterAdd",
- infoBuy: "infoBuy",
- infoSell: "infoSell",
- infoAdd: "infoAdd",
- news: "news"
+ findPassword: "Forget password",
+ collect: "My concern",
+ issue: "My needs",
+ shopDetails: "Store details",
+ shopHonor: "Qualification honor",
+ shopProfile: "Company profile",
+ productDetails: "product details",
+ shopEnter: "Enterprise certification publicity",
+ shopEnterAdd: "Merchant residence application",
+ infoBuy: "Purchase information details",
+ infoSell: "Details of supply information",
+ infoAdd: "I would like to buy it",
+ news: "Notification information",
+ newsDetail: "Information details",
+ user: "Personal Center",
+ editPassword: "Change Password"
errCode: {
errCode: {
- "-1": "Network request failed",
- 500: "system error"
+ "-100": "Network request failed",
+ "-1": "An unknown error occurred",
+ "301": "User name already exists",
+ "302": "Phone number already exists",
+ "303": "Wrong account or password",
+ "304": "Verification code error",
+ "305": "login has failed",
+ "306": "User not registered", //重置密码时 账号和手机号未能查询到相应用户
+ "402": "Interface request failed",
+ "404": "Query result does not exist",
+ "500": "System error",
+ "501": "Can 't submit again, please try again later",
+ "502": "Signature verification parameter missing", //缺少验签参数
+ "503": "Interface request timeout",
+ "504": "Error checking", //验签错误
+ "505": "This request mode is not supported temporarily", //暂不支持此种请求方式
+ "506": "User not logged in", //未登录(缺少Token)
+ "507": "User login timeout" //token超时
+ },
+ page: {
+ components: {
+ category: {
+ showHeader: "Commodity classification"
+ },
+ userInfo: {
+ username: "You are not signed in",
+ editPassword: "Modify information",
+ logout: "Quit landing",
+ login: "login",
+ register: "register"
+ }
+ },
+ layout: {
+ footer: {
+ item1: "Novice guide",
+ item2: "Merchant service",
+ item3: "Common problem",
+ item4: "About us",
+ item5: "Platform customer service",
+ bottom:
+ "Technical support: Digital China general software (Luoyang) Co., Ltd"
+ },
+ header: {
+ hyn: "Welcome",
+ login: "Please login.",
+ register: "Free registration",
+ shopEnter: "Merchant entry",
+ productPublish: "Commodity release",
+ searchProduct: "product",
+ searchShops: "enterprise",
+ kw: "content",
+ search: "search"
+ }
+ },
+ views: {
+ account: {
+ user: {
+ editPassword: {
+ oldPassword: "Old password",
+ loginPassword: "New password",
+ surePassword: "Confirm password",
+ err1: "Please enter the password again",
+ err2: "The two passwords are inconsistent"
+ },
+ index: {
+ titles: "My concerns, my needs",
+ tableIndex: "Serial number",
+ purchaseTitle: "Demand heading",
+ summaryOfNeeds: "outline",
+ createTime: "Release time",
+ status: "Current state",
+ status1: "Concentration of signs",
+ status2: "Has ended",
+ option: "operation",
+ revocation: "Revoke",
+ public: "Re release",
+ companyName: "Name of merchant",
+ primaryBusiness: "Main products",
+ followDate: "Date of concern",
+ inShop: "Enter the shop",
+ cancelGz: "Remove concerns"
+ }
+ },
+ findPassword: {
+ title: "Reset password",
+ loginPassword: "New password",
+ submit: "register"
+ },
+ login: {
+ topTitle: "Welcome to login",
+ title: "Account login"
+ },
+ register: {
+ title: "User registration",
+ check: "I have read and agree",
+ protocol: "User service agreement and platform Disclaimer",
+ validateCheck: "Please agree to the disclaimer"
+ }
+ },
+ home: {
+ noticeTitle: "Notice announcement",
+ fwTitle: "Service capability",
+ productTitle: "Product Center",
+ hotProducts: "Hot commodity",
+ newsProducts: "New Arrivals",
+ ppTitle: "Brand business",
+ primaryBusiness: "Main commodity",
+ xqTitle: "Demand supply",
+ gys: "Supplier",
+ xq: "demand",
+ gy: "supply",
+ qg: "want to buy",
+ furniture: "Furniture maintenance",
+ industry: "Industry information",
+ fwListText1: "Home steel furniture manufacturers settled in",
+ fwListText2: "Steel furniture products settled in",
+ fwListText3: "Platform member registration",
+ fwListText4: "10000 online e-commerce turnover"
+ },
+ info: {
+ buy: {
+ purchaseTitle: "want to buy",
+ summaryOfNeeds: "Summary of needs",
+ demandDetails: "Demand details",
+ contacts: "Contacts",
+ contactNumber: "Contact number",
+ releaseTime: "Release time"
+ },
+ sell: {
+ supplyTitle: "supply",
+ manufacturer: "Manufacturer",
+ contacts: "Contacts",
+ releaseTime: "Release time",
+ telephone: "Contact number",
+ supplyDetails: "Supply details"
+ },
+ add: {
+ title: "Service capability",
+ purchaseTitle: "Demand heading",
+ summaryOfNeeds: "Summary of needs",
+ demandDetails: "Demand details",
+ contacts: "Contacts",
+ contactNumber: "Contact number"
+ },
+ index: {
+ titles: "Purchase information,Supply information",
+ sell: "I want to sell.",
+ public: "Release"
+ }
+ },
+ mall: {
+ category: "classification",
+ comprehensiveSort: "Comprehensive sorting",
+ newProducts: "New products",
+ price: "Price",
+ minPrice: "Minimum price",
+ maxPrice: "Highest price",
+ productsOrCompanyName: "Commodity name or enterprise name",
+ search: "search",
+ all: "all"
+ },
+ news: {
+ details: {
+ time: "time",
+ titles: "Notice notice, industry information, furniture maintenance"
+ },
+ index: {
+ details: "details"
+ }
+ },
+ shops: {
+ details: {
+ honor: {
+ qualificationHonor: "Qualification honor"
+ },
+ index: {
+ certified: "certified",
+ alreadyConcerned: "Pay close attention to",
+ focusBusinesses: "Focus on businesses",
+ keyWord: "Key word",
+ searchWholeStation: "Search the whole station",
+ searchShop: "Search shop",
+ home: "home",
+ companyIntroduction: "Company profile",
+ qualificationHonor: "Qualification honor",
+ followSuccess: "Focus on success"
+ },
+ product: {
+ brandAuthentication: "Brand authentication",
+ price: "price",
+ specifications: "Specifications",
+ color: "color",
+ contactMerchant: "Contact merchant",
+ commodityDetails: "Commodity details",
+ tradeName: "Trade name",
+ commodityMaterial: "Commodity material",
+ commodityWeight: "Single item weight",
+ commodityColor: "Commodity color",
+ commoditySpecifications: "Commodity specification",
+ distributionMode: "Distribution mode",
+ productionDate: "Date of manufacture",
+ productionLocation: "Production location",
+ warehouseAddress: "Address of supply warehouse"
+ },
+ products: {
+ buyNow: "Buy Now"
+ },
+ profile: {
+ companyType: "Types of enterprises",
+ unifiedSocialCreditCode: "Unified social credit code",
+ legalPerson: "Corporate representative",
+ detailAddress: "Registered address",
+ primaryBusiness: "Main products",
+ companyIntroduction: "Company profile",
+ businessLicense: "Business license"
+ }
+ },
+ enter: {
+ add: {
+ accountInfo: "Account information",
+ useLoginSystem: "Account is used to log in to merchant platform",
+ userName: "User name",
+ password: "Please set password",
+ surepassword: "Please confirm the password",
+ regAccount: "Password must be 9 to 16 alphanumeric",
+ err1: "Please enter the password again",
+ err2: "The two passwords are inconsistent",
+ companyInfo: "Basic information of the enterprise",
+ companyName: "Enterprise name",
+ companyType: "Types of enterprises",
+ primaryBusiness: "Main business",
+ companyAddress: "location of an enterprise",
+ province: "province",
+ city: "city",
+ area: "area",
+ detailAddress: "Detailed address",
+ chooseLongitudeAndLatitude: "Latitude and longitude selection",
+ longitude: "longitude",
+ latitude: "latitude",
+ close: "close",
+ choose: "choose",
+ legalPerson: "Enterprise legal person",
+ contactNumber: "Contact number",
+ establishDate: "date of establishment",
+ unifiedSocialCreditCode: "Unified social credit code",
+ companyIntroduction: "Enterprise introduction",
+ businessLicense: "Business license",
+ defaultImg: "Enterprise default picture",
+ propagandaImg: "Corporate image",
+ submit: "Submission",
+ message1:
+ "Unable to resolve the address, please complete the detailed address information or manually click the map to select",
+ message2: "Information submitted successfully",
+ message3:
+ "The business license within the validity period only supports JPG and PNG format, and the size is less than 2m"
+ },
+ index: {
+ title1: "Application for merchants to settle in",
+ title2: "Enterprise certification publicity",
+ auditStatus: "Audit status",
+ auditDate: "Audit date",
+ rejectReason: "Reason for rejection",
+ search: "search",
+ serialNumber: "Serial number",
+ applyDate: "Date of application"
+ }
+ },
+ index: {
+ primaryBusiness: "Main camp",
+ total: "Total",
+ product: "Commodity",
+ enterTheShop: "Enter the shop"
+ }
+ }
+ }