@@ -138,34 +138,34 @@ public class DataScopeAspect
sqlString.append(" OR 1=0 ");
- else if (DATA_SCOPE_COMPANY.equals(dataScope))
- {
- /*查看整个公司数据权限:
- * 1.查询出数据所属部门的ancestors
- * 2.查询出查询人的公司id也就是部门的第三级
- * 3。公司id包含在数据所属部门的ancestors后认为是公司所属数据
- * */
- StringBuilder companysqlString = new StringBuilder();
- companysqlString.append(StringUtils.format(
- "select SUBSTRING_INDEX(" +
- " SUBSTRING_INDEX(companyAncestors.ancestors,',',3)" + //查询部门Ancestors左往右数,第3个分隔符的左边的全部内容
- " ,',',-1) company_id " +//查询完前三个数组后右往左数,第1个分隔符的右边的全部内容
- "from(" +
- " select" +
- " companyDept.ancestors " +
- " from" +
- " sys_dept companyDept " +
- " where" +
- " companyDept.dept_id ={} " +
- " and " +
- " LENGTH(companyDept.ancestors )>6 " +
- ") companyAncestors",user.getDeptId()));
- sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(
- " OR FIND_IN_SET( ( "+companysqlString.toString()+" ),{}.ancestors) " +
- " OR {}.dept_id =("+companysqlString.toString()+")",//判断数据是否由公司管理员创建
- deptAlias,deptAlias));
- }
+// else if (DATA_SCOPE_COMPANY.equals(dataScope))
+// {
+// /*查看整个公司数据权限:
+// * 1.查询出数据所属部门的ancestors
+// * 2.查询出查询人的公司id也就是部门的第三级
+// * 3。公司id包含在数据所属部门的ancestors后认为是公司所属数据
+// * */
+// StringBuilder companysqlString = new StringBuilder();
+// companysqlString.append(StringUtils.format(
+// "select SUBSTRING_INDEX(" +
+// " SUBSTRING_INDEX(companyAncestors.ancestors,',',3)" + //查询部门Ancestors左往右数,第3个分隔符的左边的全部内容
+// " ,',',-1) company_id " +//查询完前三个数组后右往左数,第1个分隔符的右边的全部内容
+// "from(" +
+// " select" +
+// " companyDept.ancestors " +
+// " from" +
+// " sys_dept companyDept " +
+// " where" +
+// " companyDept.dept_id ={} " +
+// " and " +
+// " LENGTH(companyDept.ancestors )>6 " +
+// ") companyAncestors",user.getDeptId()));
+// sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(
+// " OR FIND_IN_SET( ( "+companysqlString.toString()+" ),{}.ancestors) " +
+// " OR {}.dept_id =("+companysqlString.toString()+")",//判断数据是否由公司管理员创建
+// deptAlias,deptAlias));
+// }
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sqlString.toString()))