# Git + Rem(ote) = Gitote ❤️ **Demo**: **https://gitote.yoginth.com** #### Software version control made simple! Welcome to the [gitote](https://gitote.yoginth.com) codebase. We are so excited to have you. With your help, we can build out Gitote to be more stable and better serve our platform. #### Shields 🛡 Linux | Windows | Go Report | Docker ----- | ------- | --------- | ------ [![GitLab Build status](https://img.shields.io/gitlab/pipeline/gitote/gitote.svg?logo=gitlab)](https://gitlab.com/gitote/gitote/pipelines) | [![AppVeyor Build status](https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/yo/gitote.svg?logo=appveyor)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/yo/gitote) | [![Go Report](https://goreportcard.com/badge/gitlab.com/gitote/gitote)](https://goreportcard.com/report/gitlab.com/gitote/gitote) | [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/gitote/gitote.svg?logo=docker&maxAge=3600)](https://store.docker.com/community/images/gitote/gitote) ## What is Gitote ❓ [Gitote](https://gitote.yoginth.com) is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, and more. ## Table of Contents - [Contributing](#contributing-) - [Where to contribute](#where-to-contribute) - [How to contribute](#how-to-contribute) - [Contribution guideline](#contribution-guideline-) - [Codebase](#codebase-) - [The stack](#the-stack) - [Documentation](#documentation-) - [Features](#features-) - [Core team](#core-team-) - [Sponsors](#sponsors-) - [Thanks](#thanks-) - [License](#license-) ## Contributing 🚧 We expect contributors to abide by our underlying [code of conduct](CONDUCT.md). All conversations and discussions on Gitote (issues, pull requests) and across Gitote must be respectful and harassment-free. ### Where to contribute When in doubt you can mention us in any issues . Any issue with [`Good first Issue`](https://gitlab.com/gitote/gitote/issues?label_name%5B%5D=Good+first+Issue) tag is typically a good place to start. ✨ **Refactoring code**, e.g. improving the code without modifying the behavior is an area that can probably be done based on intuition and may not require much communication to be merged. 🐞 **Fixing bugs** may also not require a lot of communication, but the more the better. Please surround bug fixes with ample tests. Bugs are magnets for other bugs. Write tests near bugs! 🏗 **Building features** is the area which will require the most communication and/or negotiation. Every feature is subjective and open for debate. As always, when in doubt, ask! ### How to contribute 1. Fork the project & clone locally. Follow the initial setup [here](docs/INSTALLATION.md). 2. Create a branch, naming it either a feature or bug: `git checkout -b feature/that-new-feature` or `bug/fixing-that-bug` 3. Code and commit your changes. Bonus points if you write a [good commit message](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/): `git commit -m 'Add some feature'` 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin feature/that-new-feature` 5. [Create a pull request](#create-a-pull-request) for your branch 🎉 ## Contribution guideline 📜 ### Create an issue Nobody's perfect. Something doesn't work? Or could be done better? Let us know by creating an issue. PS: a clear and detailed issue gets lots of love, all you have to do is follow the issue template! ### Clean code with tests Some existing code may be poorly written or untested, so we must have more scrutiny going forward. We test with **go test**, let us know if you have any questions about this! ### Create a pull request * Try to keep the pull requests small. A pull request should try its very best to address only a single concern. * Make sure all tests pass and add additional tests for the code you submit. * Document your reasoning behind the changes. Explain why you wrote the code in the way you did. The code should explain what it does. * If there's an existing issue related to the pull request, reference to it by adding something like `References/Closes/Resolves #305`, where 305 is the issue number. * If you follow the pull request template, you can't go wrong. ## Codebase 💻 ### The stack View **Gitote** tech stack [here](docs/STACK.md) ## Documentation 📑 View **Gitote** documentations [here](docs) ## Features 🔮 - Activity timeline - **SSH** and **HTTP/HTTPS** protocols - Account/Organization/Repository management - Add/Remove repository collaborators - Repository/Organization **webhooks** (including Slack and Discord) - Repository **Git hooks/deploy keys** - Repository **issues**, **pull requests**, **wiki** and **protected branches** - **Migrate** and **mirror** repository and its wiki - **Web editor** for repository files and wiki - **Jupyter Notebook** - **Two-factor authentication** - **Gravatar** and **Federated avatar** with custom source - **Mail** service - More emojis. 🐈 ## Core team 👬 - [Yoginth](https://gitlab.in/yo) ## Sponsors 🤗 DigitalOcean
Sentry ## Thanks 🙏 - [Logo](https://www.behance.net/gallery/74587843/Gitote-Brand-Identity-Design) - Gitote logo designed by [CodeCarrot](http://codecarrot.net/). - [README](https://github.com/thepracticaldev/dev.to/blob/master/README.md) - Thanks [dev.to](https://dev.to)! We loved their README so we made us like them! ## License 💼 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the **MIT License**. Please see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file in our repository for the full text. ##### Happy Coding ❤️