Gitote Verified
The green verified badge on Gitote lets people know that an account of public interest is authentic.
The badge appears next to the name on an account’s profile and next to the account name in search results. It is always the same color and placed in the same location, regardless of profile or theme color customizations.
Accounts that don’t have the badge next to their name but that display it somewhere else, for example in the profile photo, or bio, are not verified accounts.
Verified badges must be applied by Gitote, and accounts that use a badge as a part of profile photos, or in any other way that implies verified status, are subject to permanent account suspension.
An account may be verified if it is determined to be an account of public interest. Typically this includes accounts maintained by users is company, founder, famous developers, government, business, and other key interest areas.
A verified badge does not imply an endorsement by Gitote.