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Git + Rem(ote) = Gitote ❤️


Software version control made simple!

Welcome to the gitote codebase. We are so excited to have you. With your help, we can build out Gitote to be more stable and better serve our platform.

Shields 🛡

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What is Gitote ❓

Gitote is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, and more.

Table of Contents

Contributing 🚧

We expect contributors to abide by our underlying code of conduct. All conversations and discussions on Gitote (issues, pull requests) and across Gitote must be respectful and harassment-free.

Where to contribute

When in doubt you can mention us in any issues . Any issue with Good first Issue tag is typically a good place to start.

Refactoring code, e.g. improving the code without modifying the behavior is an area that can probably be done based on intuition and may not require much communication to be merged.

🐞 Fixing bugs may also not require a lot of communication, but the more the better. Please surround bug fixes with ample tests. Bugs are magnets for other bugs. Write tests near bugs!

🏗 Building features is the area which will require the most communication and/or negotiation. Every feature is subjective and open for debate. As always, when in doubt, ask!

How to contribute

  1. Fork the project & clone locally. Follow the initial setup here.
  2. Create a branch, naming it either a feature or bug: git checkout -b feature/that-new-feature or bug/fixing-that-bug
  3. Code and commit your changes. Bonus points if you write a good commit message: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/that-new-feature
  5. Create a pull request for your branch 🎉

Contribution guideline 📜

Create an issue

Nobody's perfect. Something doesn't work? Or could be done better? Let us know by creating an issue.

PS: a clear and detailed issue gets lots of love, all you have to do is follow the issue template!

Clean code with tests

Some existing code may be poorly written or untested, so we must have more scrutiny going forward. We test with go test, let us know if you have any questions about this!

Create a pull request

  • Try to keep the pull requests small. A pull request should try its very best to address only a single concern.
  • Make sure all tests pass and add additional tests for the code you submit.
  • Document your reasoning behind the changes. Explain why you wrote the code in the way you did. The code should explain what it does.
  • If there's an existing issue related to the pull request, reference to it by adding something like References/Closes/Resolves #305, where 305 is the issue number.
  • If you follow the pull request template, you can't go wrong.

Codebase 💻

The stack

View Gitote tech stack here

Documentation 📑

View Gitote documentations here

Features 🔮

  • Activity timeline
  • SSH and HTTP/HTTPS protocols
  • Account/Organization/Repository management
  • Add/Remove repository collaborators
  • Repository/Organization webhooks (including Slack and Discord)
  • Repository Git hooks/deploy keys
  • Repository issues, pull requests, wiki and protected branches
  • Migrate and mirror repository and its wiki
  • Web editor for repository files and wiki
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Gravatar and Federated avatar with custom source
  • Mail service
  • More emojis. 🐈

Core team 👬

Sponsors 🤗


Thanks 🙏

License 💼

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file in our repository for the full text.

Happy Coding ❤️