@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+screen.welcome.welcome=Congratulations on bringing CAS online! To learn how to authenticate, please review the default authentication handler configuration.
+screen.welcome.security=For security reasons, please <a href="logout">log out</a> and exit your web browser when you are done accessing \
+ services that require authentication!
+screen.welcome.instructions=Enter your Username and Password
+screen.welcome.label.netid=<span class="accesskey">U</span>sername:
+screen.welcome.label.password=<span class="accesskey">P</span>assword:
+screen.welcome.label.publicstation=I am at a public workstation.
+screen.welcome.label.warn=<span class="accesskey">W</span>arn me!
+screen.welcome.label.warnremove=Do not warn me again
+screen.welcome.button.loginwip=One moment please...
+screen.welcome.label.loginwith=Or login with:
+screen.cookies.disabled.title=Browser cookies disabled
+screen.cookies.disabled.message=Your browser does not accept cookies. Single Sign On WILL NOT WORK.
+screen.pm.button.forgotpwd=<a href="https://pwd.example.org">Forgot your password? </a>
+screen.pm.button.resetPassword=Reset your password
+screen.pm.reset.heading=Password Reset Failed
+screen.pm.reset.message=We were unable to process your password reset request at this time.
+screen.pm.reset.qstitle=Answer Security Questions
+screen.pm.reset.qsmsg=Welcome <strong>{0}</strong>. Before you can reset your password, you must answer the following security questions.
+screen.pm.reset.sentInstructions=You should shortly receive an email with follow-instructions to reset your password. Please do not take \
+ long as the password reset instructions may expire.
+screen.pm.reset.sent=Password Reset Instructions Sent Successfully.
+screen.pm.reset.title=Reset your password
+screen.pm.reset.instructions=Please provide your username. You will receive an email with follow-up instructions on how to reset \
+ your password.
+screen.pm.password.policyViolation=Password does not match the password policy requirement.
+screen.pm.password.confirmMismatch=Passwords do not match.
+screen.aup.heading=Acceptable Usage Policy
+screen.consent.title=Attribute Consent
+screen.consent.attributes.header=The following attributes will be released to <strong>[{0}]</strong>:
+screen.consent.attributes.data.info=Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries
+screen.consent.options.header=How should I be prompted for consent again?
+screen.consent.options.always=<strong>Every Time</strong>
+screen.consent.options.desc.always=Show the consent screen every time I attempt to log into {0}.
+screen.consent.options.attributename=<strong>Attribute Name</strong>
+screen.consent.options.desc.attributename=Show the consent screen, if an attribute is added or removed from the collection of attributes released to {0}.
+screen.consent.options.attributevalue=<strong>Attribute Value</strong>
+screen.consent.options.desc.attributevalue.intro=Show the consent screen, if:
+screen.consent.options.desc.attributevalue.first=A new attribute is authorized for release to {0}.
+screen.consent.options.desc.attributevalue.second=An attribute is removed from the attribute bundle previously released to {0}.
+screen.consent.options.desc.attributevalue.third=The value of an attribute authorized for release to {0} has changed.
+screen.consent.options.reminder.header=How often should I be reminded to consent again?
+screen.consent.options.reminder.expl=Show the consent screen, as a reminder, in the event that there is no change to the collection of attributes released to {0}.
+screen.consent.review.header=Review Attribute Consent
+screen.consent.review.loading=Loading consent decisions...
+screen.consent.review.noconsentdecisions=There are no consent decisions registered for you.
+screen.consent.review.success=Consent decision was deleted successfully.
+screen.consent.review.error=There was an error!
+screen.consent.review.confirm=Delete consent decision for [{}]?
+screen.consent.review.createddate=Created Date:
+screen.consent.review.options.attributename=Attribute Name
+screen.consent.review.options.attributevalue=Attribute Value
+screen.consent.review.options.desc.always=Show the consent screen every time I attempt to log in.
+screen.consent.review.options.desc.attributename=Show the consent screen, if an attribute is added or removed from the collection of attributes released.
+screen.consent.review.options.desc.attributevalue=Show the consent screen, if 1) a new attribute is authorized for release, 2) an attribute is removed from the attribute bundle previously released, 3) the value of an attribute authorized for release has changed.
+screen.consent.review.data.zerorecords=No matching decisions found
+screen.consent.review.data.info=Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries
+screen.consent.review.data.infofiltered=(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)
+screen.consent.review.data.infoempty=No decisions to show
+screen.consent.review.logout.success=You have successfully logged out of the Consent Review page. You may completely <a href="../logout">log out</a> of the Central Authentication Service and end your single sign-on session.
+screen.nonsecure.title=Non-secure Connection
+screen.nonsecure.message=You are currently accessing CAS over a non-secure connection. Single Sign On WILL NOT WORK. In order to have single sign on work, you MUST log in over HTTPS.
+screen.defaultauthn.title=Static Authentication
+screen.defaultauthn.heading=CAS is configured to accept a static list of users for primary authentication. Please be advised that this is ONLY useful for \
+ demo purposes. It is recommended that you connect CAS to LDAP, JDBC, etc instead.
+logo.title=go to Apereo home page
+copyright=Copyright © 2005–2018 Apereo, Inc.
+screen.capslock.on = CAPSLOCK key is turned on!
+screen.post.response.message=You are being redirected to {0}.
+screen.interrupt.title=Authentication Interrupt
+screen.interrupt.message=The authentication flow has been interrupted. CAS has not yet established a single sign-on session for <strong>{0}</strong>.
+screen.mdui.infolink.text=<a href="{0}" target="_blank">More information about this application</a>.
+screen.mdui.privacylink.text=<a href="{0}" target="_blank">Privacy statement for application</a>.
+# Generic Error Pages 401, 404, 500, etc
+screen.error.page.title.accessdenied=Error - 401
+screen.error.page.title.permissiondenied=Error - Permission Denied
+screen.error.page.title.pagenotfound=Error - Page Not Found
+screen.error.page.title.requestunsupported=Error - Unsupported Request
+screen.error.page.accessdenied=Access Denied
+screen.error.page.permissiondenied=You do not have permission to view this page.
+screen.error.page.requestunsupported=The request type or syntax is not supported.
+screen.error.page.loginagain=Login Again
+screen.error.page.notfound=Page Not Found
+screen.error.page.doesnotexist=The page you are attempting to access does not exist at the moment.
+screen.error.page.authdenied=Authorization Denied
+# Remember-Me Authentication
+screen.rememberme.checkbox.title=Remember Me
+# Gua
+screen.gua.confirm.message=If you do not recognize this image as yours, do NOT continue.
+# Blocked Errors Page
+screen.error.page.title.blocked=Error - Permission Denied
+screen.blocked.header=Access Denied
+screen.blocked.message=You've entered the wrong password for the user too many times. You've been throttled.
+AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied=You are not authorized to access this resource. Contact your CAS administrator for more info.
+#Confirmation Screen Messages
+screen.confirmation.message=You asked to be warned before logging into applications. Please proceed.
+screen.authentication.warning=Authentication Succeeded with Warnings
+#Generic Success Screen Messages
+screen.success.header=Log In Successful
+screen.success.success=You, <strong>{0}</strong>, have successfully logged into the Central Authentication Service. However, you are seeing \
+ this page because CAS does not know about your target destination and how to get you there. Examine the authentication request again and \
+ make sure a target service/application that is authorized and registered with CAS is specified.
+screen.success.security=When you are finished, for security reasons, please <a href="logout">log out</a> and exit your web browser.
+#Logout Screen Messages
+screen.logout.confirm.header=Do you want to log out completely?
+screen.logout.confirm.text=An application may have redirected you to the Central Authentication Service \
+ to completely log you out and destroy your single sign-on session. If you choose to log out, you will be asked again \
+ to provide your credentials and re-autheticate once you attempt to access an application.<p><p><br>Do you want to proceed?
+screen.logout.header=Logout successful
+screen.logout.success=You have successfully logged out of the Central Authentication Service. You may <a href="login">log in</a> again.
+screen.logout.fc.success=You have successfully logged out of the Central Authentication Service. Given single logout is enabled with CAS, \
+ the following list of applications are <strong> only notified</strong> to log you out and destroy your user session. Remember that this \
+ is just a notification, not a guarantee. It is up the application itself to honor these notifications and properly take action to log you \
+ out.
+screen.logout.security=For security reasons, exit your web browser.
+screen.service.sso.error.header=Re-Authentication Required to Access this Service
+screen.service.sso.error.message=You attempted to access a service that requires authentication without re-authenticating. Please try authenticating again</a>.
+screen.service.required.message=You attempted authentication without specifying the target application. Please re-examine the request and try again.
+captchaError=reCAPTCHA validation failed.
+username.required=Username is a required field.
+password.required=Password is a required field.
+# Password Management
+confirmedPassword.required=Password must be confirmed.
+pm.passwordsMustMatch=Provided passwords do not match.
+pm.passwordFailedCriteria=Provided password does not satisfy the password security policy. Please try again.
+pm.updateFailure=Account password could not be modified. Please try again.
+# Authentication failure messages
+authenticationFailure.AccountDisabledException=This account has been disabled.
+authenticationFailure.AccountLockedException=This account has been locked.
+authenticationFailure.AccountExpiredException=This account has expired and is forbidden to login at this time.
+authenticationFailure.CredentialExpiredException=Your password has expired.
+authenticationFailure.InvalidLoginLocationException=You cannot login from this workstation.
+authenticationFailure.InvalidLoginTimeException=Your account is forbidden to login at this time.
+authenticationFailure.AccountNotFoundException=Invalid credentials.
+authenticationFailure.FailedLoginException=Invalid credentials.
+authenticationFailure.SurrogateAuthenticationException=You are not authorized to impersonate the indicated user at this time.
+authenticationFailure.AccountPasswordMustChangeException=Your account password has expired and must be changed.
+authenticationFailure.UnauthorizedServiceForPrincipalException=Service access denied due to missing privileges.
+authenticationFailure.UNKNOWN=Invalid credentials.
+authenticationFailure.AuthenticationException=Credentials are rejected/invalid and authentication attempt has failed.
+INVALID_REQUEST_PROXY=The request is incorrectly formatted. Ensure all required parameters are properly encoded and included.
+INVALID_TICKET_SPEC=Ticket failed validation specification. Possible errors could include attempting to validate a Proxy Ticket via a Service Ticket validator, or not complying with the renew true request.
+INVALID_REQUEST=service and ticket parameters are both required
+INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_CONTEXT=The validation request for [''{0}''] cannot be satisfied. The request is either unrecognized or unfulfilled.
+INVALID_TICKET=Ticket ''{0}'' not recognized
+INVALID_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET=PGT already generated for this ST. Cannot grant more than one PGT for ST
+INVALID_SERVICE=Ticket ''{0}'' does not match supplied service. The original service was ''{1}'' and the supplied service was ''{2}''.
+INVALID_PROXY_CALLBACK=The supplied proxy callback url ''{0}'' could not be authenticated. Either ''{0}'' cannot be reached, it is not \
+ allowed to exercise proxy authentication.
+UNAUTHORIZED_SERVICE_PROXY=The supplied service ''{0}'' is not authorized to use CAS proxy authentication.
+UNSATISFIED_AUTHN_POLICY=Service access denied due to an unsatisfied authentication policy.
+screen.service.error.header=Application Not Authorized to Use CAS
+service.principal.resolution.error=CAS is unable to determine the correct authentication principal. \
+ Either the principal could not be resolved correctly as a single unique entity or CAS has found \
+ mixed/multiple candidate principals and is unable to decide which should be used, with accuracy. \
+ This error may also be caused if the authenticated principal is not allowed to access the target application \
+ due to missing privileges set by the CAS server authorization policies.
+service.not.authorized.missing.attr=You are not authorized to access the application as your account \
+is missing privileges required by the CAS server to authenticate into this service. Please notify your support desk.
+screen.service.error.message=The application you attempted to authenticate to is not authorized to use CAS. \
+ This usually indicates that the application is not registered with CAS, or its authorization policy defined in its registration record \
+ prevents it from leveraging CAS functionality, or it's malformed and unrecognized by CAS. \
+ Contact your CAS administrator to learn how you might register and integrate your application with CAS.
+screen.service.empty.error.message=The services registry of CAS is empty and has no service definitions. \
+Applications that wish to authenticate with CAS must explicitly be defined in the services registry.
+# Surrogate Account Selection
+screen.surrogates.account.selection.header=Surrogate Account Selection
+screen.surrogates.choose.account=Choose Account
+screen.surrogates.message=<p>You are provided with a list of accounts on behalf of which you are allowed to authenticate.</p> \
+<p>Select one and continue.</p>
+# Password policy
+password.expiration.warning=Your password expires in {0} day(s). Please <a href="https://pm.example.edu">change your password</a> now.
+password.expiration.loginsRemaining=You have {0} login(s) remaining before you <strong>MUST</strong> change your password.
+screen.accountdisabled.heading=This account has been disabled.
+screen.accountdisabled.message=Please contact the system administrator to regain access.
+screen.accountlocked.heading=This account has been locked.
+screen.accountlocked.message=Please contact the system administrator to regain access.
+screen.expiredpass.heading=Your password has expired.
+screen.expiredpass.message=Please <a href="https://changepsw.exampple.org">change your password</a>.
+screen.mustchangepass.heading=You must change your password.
+screen.mustchangepass.message=Please <a href="https://changepsw.exampple.org">change your password</a>.
+screen.badhours.heading=Your account is forbidden to login at this time.
+screen.badhours.message=Please try again later.
+screen.authnblocked.heading=Authentication attempt is blocked.
+screen.authnblocked.message=Your authentication attempt is untrusted and unauthorized from your current workstation.
+screen.risk.authnblocked.heading=Authentication attempt is blocked.
+screen.risk.authnblocked.message=Your authentication attempt is untrusted and unauthorized from your current workstation.
+screen.badworkstation.heading=You cannot login from this workstation.
+screen.badworkstation.message=Please contact the system administrator to regain access.
+screen.button.changePassword=Change Password
+screen.pm.success.header=Password Change Successful
+screen.pm.success.message=Your account password is successfully updated.
+screen.pm.confirmpsw=Confirm Password:
+screen.pm.enterpsw=Enter Password:
+screen.pac4j.unauthz.pagetitle=Unauthorized Access
+screen.pac4j.unauthz.gotoapp=Goto Application
+screen.pac4j.unauthz.login=Back to CAS
+screen.pac4j.unauthz.heading=Unauthorized Access
+screen.pac4j.unauthz.message=Either the authentication request was rejected/cancelled, or the authentication provider denied access due \
+ to permissions, etc. Review logs to find the root cause of the issue.
+# GAuth
+screen.authentication.gauth.register=Your account is not registered. Use the below settings to register your device with CAS.
+screen.authentication.gauth.key=Secret key to register is {0}
+# OAuth
+screen.oauth.confirm.message=Do you want to grant access to "{0}" ?
+cas.oauth.confirm.pagetitle=Approve Access
+screen.oidc.confirm.infourl=Learn more about {0}.
+screen.oidc.confirm.privacyurl=Learn about {0} privacy rules.
+screen.oidc.confirm.scope.profile=This requests access to the profile claims excluding the address and email claims.
+screen.oidc.confirm.scope.email=This requests access to the email claims.
+screen.oidc.confirm.scope.address=This requests access to the address claims.
+screen.oidc.confirm.scope.openid=This indicates an OpenID Connect authorization request.
+screen.oidc.confirm.scope.phone=This requests access to the phone claims.
+screen.oidc.confirm.scope.offline_access=This requests access for a refresh token used for offline access.
+screen.oidc.confirm.asksinfo=The client is asking for the following information:
+screen.oidc.confirm.dynamic=This client was dynamically registered at <code>{0}</code>.
+# Unavailable
+screen.unavailable.header=CAS error
+screen.unavailable.heading=CAS is unable to process this request: "{0}:{1}"
+screen.unavailable.message=There was an error trying to complete your request. \
+<strong>Please notify your support desk or try again.</strong> \
+<div>Apereo is a non-profit open source software governance foundation. The CAS software is an Apereo sponsored project \
+and is freely downloadable and usable by anyone. However, Apereo does not operate the systems of anyone using the \
+software and in most cases doesn't even know who is using it or how to contact them unless they are an active part \
+of the Apereo community.<br/></br>If you are having problems logging in using CAS, \
+<strong>you will need to contact the IT staff or Help Desk of your organization for assistance</strong>. \
+<br/><br/>We wish we could be more directly helpful to you.</div>
+screen.mfaDenied.header=MFA Denied
+screen.mfaDenied.heading=MFA attempt has been denied by provider
+screen.mfaDenied.message=Your MFA provider has denied your attempt at second factor \
+authentication. Contact your system administrator for help in restoring your account.
+screen.mfaUnavailable.header=MFA Provider Unavailable
+screen.mfaUnavailable.heading=MFA Provider Unavailable
+screen.mfaUnavailable.message=CAS was unable to reach your configured MFA provider at this time. \
+ Due to failure policies configured for the service you are attempting to access, authentication can not \
+ be granted at this time.
+# SSO Sessions View
+# No sessions found screen
+cas.ssosessions.loading=Loading SSO Sessions...
+cas.ssosessions.nosessionsfound=No sessions found.
+cas.ssosessions.button.refresh=Refresh Page
+# Report View
+cas.ssosessions.report.pagetitle=SSO Sessions Report
+cas.ssosessions.report.panel.totalactiveprincipals=Total Active Principals
+cas.ssosessions.report.panel.usagecountsessions=Usage Count Sessions
+cas.ssosessions.report.panel.totalssosessions=Total SSO Sessions
+cas.ssosessions.buttons.removeall=Remove All Sessions
+cas.ssosessions.table.header.ticketgrantingticket=Ticket Granting Ticket
+cas.ssosessions.table.header.authenticationdate=Authentication Date
+cas.ssosessions.table.header.usagecount=Usage Count
+# Remove Session AJAX messages
+cas.sessions.ajax.error=There appears to be an error. Please try your request again.
+# Statistics View
+# Ticket Registry Section
+cas.statistics.pagetitle=Statistics View
+cas.statistics.section.ticket.title=Ticket Statistics
+cas.statistics.section.ticket.panel.unexpiredtgts.title=Unexpired TGTs
+cas.statistics.section.ticket.panel.unexpiredsts.title=Unexpired STs
+cas.statistics.section.ticket.panel.expiredtgts.title=Expired TGTs
+cas.statistics.section.ticket.panel.expiredsts.title=Expired STs
+cas.statistics.section.ticket.button=View SSO Sessions
+# JVM Section
+cas.statistics.section.serverstatistics.title=JVM Server Statistics
+## memory gauges
+cas.statistics.section.serverstatistics.freememorygauge.label=Total JVM Memory
+cas.statistics.section.serverstatistics.maxmemorygauge.label=Max Memory
+## Uptime
+## Server Info
+cas.statistics.section.serverstatistics.panel.serverinfo.title=Server Info
+## Property Names
+cas.statistics.section.serverstatistics.panel.serverinfo.table.property.casticketsuffix.label=CAS Ticket Suffix
+cas.statistics.section.serverstatistics.panel.serverinfo.table.property.starttime.label=Server Start Time
+cas.statistics.section.serverstatistics.panel.serverinfo.table.property.maxmemory.label=Maximum Memory
+cas.statistics.section.serverstatistics.panel.serverinfo.table.property.availprocessors.label=Available Processors
+## End Statistics View
+# Logging Dashboard View
+## General
+cas.loggingdashboard.title=Logging Dashboard
+cas.loggingdashboard.warning=Modifications applied to the logging configuration are not persisted, and will be lost upon server restarts.
+cas.loggingdashboard.loading=Reading logging configuration
+cas.loggingdashboard.loading.error=Error loading log configuration. Please try again.
+## Log Levels
+cas.loggingdashboard.activeloggers=Active Loggers
+## End Logging Dashboard View
+# Configuration View
+# Error loading screen
+cas.viewconfig.loading=Loading Configuration...
+cas.viewconfig.persistence=Changes to application configuration are applied immediately, though at this time they are only persisted in runtime memory \
+ and last for as long as the CAS server is up and running. Be sure to apply any and all \
+ changes directly to the underlying configuration if you wish for them to stay with you through server restarts.
+cas.viewconfig.errormessage=Error reading configuration
+# Report View
+cas.viewconfig.pagetitle=View CAS Configuration
+## End Configuration View
+# Configuration Metadata View
+cas.configmetadata.pagetitle=Configuration Metadata
+## End Configuration Metadata View
+# Dashboard View
+cas.dashboard.pagetitle=Dashboard View
+cas.dashboard.section.dashboard.title=CAS Dashboard
+cas.dashboard.section.configuration.title=Configuration Profiles
+cas.dashboard.section.server.functions.title=Server Functions
+cas.dashboard.action.button.refresh=Reload CAS Application Context
+cas.dashboard.action.button.refresh.modal.title=Refreshing CAS Configuration server to pick up changes to properties and settings.
+cas.dashboard.action.button.refresh.modal.message=The server is refreshing your changes. Please give it a few minutes and refresh the page.
+cas.dashboard.action.button.reboot.modal.title=Rebooting Server
+cas.dashboard.action.button.reboot.modal.message=The server is rebooting. Please give it a few minutes and refresh the page.
+cas.dashboard.action.button.shutdown.modal.title=Shutdown Server
+cas.dashboard.action.button.shutdown.modal.message=The server will shut down. You will need to manually restart it.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.autoconfiguration=Displays an auto-configuration report showing all auto-configuration candidates and the reason why they ‘were’ or ‘were not’ applied.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.beans=Displays a complete list of all the Spring beans in your application.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.mappings=Displays a collated list of all request mapping paths.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.configprops=Displays a collated list of all configuration properties.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.trace=Displays trace information (by default the last 100 HTTP requests).
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.metrics=Shows ‘metrics’ information for the CAS application
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.info=Displays CAS application info.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.configmetadata=Displays CAS configuration metadata and documentation for configuration settings and properties.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.discovery=Produces the current CAS server profile which contains capabilities and features supported by this deployment.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.attrresolution=Allows CAS administrators to resolve and examine attributes associated with a given CAS principal. \
+ Alternatively, examine the bundle of attributes that may be released to a given registered application by CAS.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.health=Shows application health information (when the application is secure, a simple ‘status’ when accessed over an unauthenticated connection or full message details when authenticated).
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.env=Exposes properties from Spring container’s environment.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.dump=Performs a thread dump.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.services=Reports back the collection of registered services and applications.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.status=Performs a health check on CAS configured monitors and provides status.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.stats=Reports back ticket statistics and memory stats.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.configpanel=Control and configure CAS settings and properties.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.logging=Configure the CAS logging machinery and auto-monitor logs.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.ssostatus=Reports whether the CAS server still maintains an active single sign-on status for this session.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.ssosessions=Display and control the current active SSO sessions.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.authnevents=Reports back a listing of authentication events that have commenced
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.trusteddevs=Shows a listing of current registered and trusted devices, relevant to multifactor authentication.
+cas.dashboard.tooltip.swf=Shows the current collection of Spring Webflow states, actions, flows and transitions.
+# Login View
+#Resources Labels
+cas.login.resources.header=Links to CAS Resources
+cas.login.resources.pulls=Pull Requests
+cas.login.resources.mailinglist=Mailing Lists
+cas.login.resources.contribguide=Contributor Guidelines
+# Acceptable Usage Policy View
+cas.acceptableusagepolicyview.pagetitle=Acceptable Usage Policy View
+# Attribute Resolution View
+cas.attrresolutionview.pagetitle=Attribute Resolution
+cas.attrreleaseview.pagetitle=Attribute Release
+# MFA
+cas.mfa.duologin.pagetitle=DuoSecurity Login
+cas.mfa.googleauth.pagetitle=Google Authenticator
+cas.mfa.azure.pagetitle=Microsoft Authenticator
+cas.mfa.radius.pagetitle=Radius Authentication
+cas.mfa.yubikey.pagetitle=YubiKey Authentication
+cas.mfa.yubikey.authenticate=Use your registered YubiKey device to authenticate.
+cas.mfa.yubikey.register=Your device is not yet registered. Use the below form to register your device with CAS.
+cas.mfa.u2f.pagetitle=U2F Authentication
+cas.mfa.u2f.authentication.device=Authentication Device
+cas.mfa.u2f.authentication.message=<p><strong>Please touch the flashing U2F device now.</strong></p><p> You may be prompted to allow \
+ the site permission to access your security keys. After granting permission, the device will start to blink.</p>
+cas.mfa.u2f.register.device=Register Device
+cas.mfa.u2f.register.message=<p><strong>Please touch the flashing U2F device now.</strong></p><p> You may be prompted to allow \
+ the site permission to access your security keys. After granting permission, the device will start to blink.</p>
+cas.mfa.authy.pagetitle=Authy Login
+cas.mfa.swivel.pagetitle=Swivel Authentication
+cas.mfa.swivel.label.header=Swivel Authentication
+cas.mfa.registerdevice.label.title=Register Device
+cas.mfa.registerdevice.label.intro=Please name the current device.
+cas.mfa.registerdevice.pagetitle=Register Device